bool | Moving [get] |
| Is this CinematicCamera currently moving? More...
Quaternion | ViewQuat [get, set] |
| The current camera view as a quaternion More...
string | Name [get, set] |
| Text value to make it easier to identify a particular camera More...
DoubleVector3 | Position [get, set] |
| The camera's position in 3D-space More...
DoubleVector3 | PositionBase [get, set] |
| A value that is subtracted from all positions (including the Camera's) before handing them to the graphics hardware More...
internal Matrix | View [get] |
| A left-handed view matrix for the current camera setting More...
internal Matrix | SimpleView [get] |
| A left-handed view matrix with absolutely no translation information More...
internal Matrix | ViewInverse [get] |
| An inverted view matrix for the current camera setting More...
internal Matrix | ViewTranspose [get] |
| A transposed view matrix for the current camera setting More...
internal Matrix | ViewInverseTranspose [get] |
| An inverted and transposed view matrix for the current camera setting More...
internal Matrix | SphericalBillboard [get] |
| A rotation matrix for a faked spherical billboard effect More...
internal Matrix | CylindricalBillboard [get] |
| A rotation matrix for a faked cylindrical billboard effect More...
float | FieldOfView [get, set] |
| The view angle in degrees More...
float | NearClip [get, set] |
| Minimum distance of objects to the camera More...
float | FarClip [get, set] |
| Maximum distance of objects to the camera More...
DoublePlane | ClipPlane [get, set] |
| A custom clip plane behind which all objects are culled More...
bool | FrustumCulling = true [get, set] |
| Shall the engine use view frustum culling to optimize the rendering performance? More...
DoubleVector3 | Position [get, set] |
| The object's position More...
A camera that cinematically swings from one view to another.
"Cinematic" means that the movement starts slowly, speeds up dramatically and then slows down again before reaching the target.