A collection of EngineElements. Applies the composite pattern: automatically handles EngineElement.Engine setting and EngineElement.Dispose calling.
IEnumerator< T > | GetEnumerator () |
void | Add (T item) |
void | Clear () |
bool | Contains (T item) |
void | CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex) |
bool | Remove (T item) |
void | Dispose () |
int | Count => _innerList.Count |
bool | IsReadOnly => false |
bool | IsEngineSet => _engine != null |
| true if the Engine has been set. More...
Engine | Engine [get, set] |
| The Engine instance used by this object. Must be set before using the object. May not be changed once it has been set! More...
bool | IsDisposed [get] |
| Indicates whether this object has been disposed and can therefore no longer be used. More...
A collection of EngineElements. Applies the composite pattern: automatically handles EngineElement.Engine setting and EngineElement.Dispose calling.
- Template Parameters
◆ OnDispose()
◆ OnEngineSet()
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- OmegaEngine/EngineElementCollection.cs