AlphaFramework API  1.0.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CCpuParticleSystemEditorAllows a user to tweak the parameters for a CpuParticleSystem
 CGpuParticleSystemEditorAllows a user to tweak the parameters for a GpuParticleSystem
 CParticleSystemEditorAbstract base class for editing particle system presets
 CAddControlToolAllows the user to add a new Control to a Dialog
 CCutsceneEditorAllows a user to design a cutscene
 CGuiEditorAllows a user to design a GUI dialog
 CLanguageEditorAllows a user to edit language localizations for the GUI
 CAddPositionablesAdds one or more Positionable<TCoordinates>ies to a UniverseBase<TCoordinates>
 CAddRemovePositionablesAdds/removes one or more Positionable<TCoordinates>ies to/from a UniverseBase<TCoordinates>
 CChangeEntityTemplatesChanges the ITemplated.TemplateName property of one or more EntityBase<TCoordinates,TTemplate>s
 CChangeTerrainTemplateChanges a terrain Template<TSelf> on a Terrain<TTemplate>s
 CImportHeightMapLoads new height-map data into a Terrain<TTemplate>
 CImportMapAbstract base class for commands that load new map data into a ITerrain
 CImportTextureMapLoads new texture-map data into a ITerrain
 CImportXmlBaseCommon base for loading new XML data into a IUniverse
 CModifyHeightMapModifies height-map data in a ITerrain
 CModifyTextureMapModifies texture-map data in a ITerrain
 CMovePositionablesMoves one or more Positionable<TCoordinates>s
 CRemovePositionablesRemoves one or more Positionable<TCoordinates>s from a IUniverse
 CAddRenderComponentToolAllows the user to add a new Render component to an EntityTemplateBase<TSelf>
 CMapPropertiesToolAllows the user to modify the properties of a IUniverse
 CSelectTemplateDialogDialog for selecting Template<T>es (with a preview pane)
 CTerrainSizeDialogDisplays and edits a TerrainSize. Can also be used to create a new TerrainSize
 CBaseAbstract base class for interactivley modifying a Terrain
 CHeightAbstract base class for interactivley changing the height of an area on a ITerrain
 CHeightNoiseInteractivley adds height noise to a ITerrain
 CHeightPlateauInteractivley turns a ITerrain area into a plateau (all points have the same height)
 CHeightShiftInteractivley raises or lowers all points of an area on a ITerrain
 CHeightSmoothInteractivley smoothes a ITerrain area using a Gaussian filter
 CTextureInteractivley changes the texture ID of an area on a ITerrain
 CTemplateEditorAbstract base tab for editing Template<T>es
 CAboutBoxA standard about box with application version information
 CAsyncWaitDialogDisplays a "Loading..." dialog box in a separate GUI thread for cases where the main message pump is blocked
 CFileSelectorDialogAllows the user to select a file for the Mod (stored in an Archive or a real file)
 CIToastProviderProvides a surface for displaying toas messages to the user
 CMainFormBaseAn extendable basis for an editor main window
 CModInfoContains basic information about a mod
 CModPackageDialogAllows the user to create a redistributable package of a Mod
 CModPropertyDialogDisplays and edits information about a mod. Can also be used to create a new mod
 CModSelectorFormAllows the user to select a Mod to edit
 CTabA base class for all editor windows that can be displayed as tabs
 CUndoCloneTabA base class for all editor windows that have undo-functionality based on cloning their whole content
 CUndoCommandTabA base class for all editor windows that have undo-functionality based on IUndoCommand logging (using the command pattern)
 CUndoTabA base class for all editor windows that have undo-functionality
 CArgumentsAn immutable class representing command-line arguments passed to an application
 CPresenterBaseUses the Engine to present an IUniverse game world
 CAnimatedMeshRepresents an animated mesh loaded from a file
 CCollisionControls how EntityBase<TCoordinates,TTemplate>s occupy space around them
 CCpuParticleSystemRepresents a particle system whose particles are tracked by the CPU
 CGpuParticleSystemRepresents a particle system whose particles are tracked by the GPU
 CLightSourceRepresents a point light source
 CMeshRepresents a mesh loaded from a file
 CMovementControls the basic movement parameters
 CParticleSystemRepresents a particle system (e.g. fire or steam) controlled by an XML preset
 CRenderControls how an EntityBase<TCoordinates,TTemplate> shall be rendered
 CStaticMeshRepresents a non-animated mesh loaded from a file
 CTestSphereRenders a simple (optionally textured) sphere for benchmarks, etc
 CIPathfinderA strategy pattern interface for pathfinding algorithms
 CSimplePathfinderA simple A* pathfinder
 CStoredPathStores a path calculated by UniverseBase<TCoordinates>.Pathfinder
 CBenchmarkPointA marker that controls camera positions for the benchmark mode of the game
 CCameraStateStores the position and direction of the camera in the game
 CEntityBaseA common base class for Positionable<TCoordinates> whose behaviour and graphical representation is controlled by components
 CITemplatedAn interface to elements that are based on a named template
 CIUpdateableA Positionable<TCoordinates> that updates itself on each frame
 CPositionableAn object that can be positioned in the game world
 CWaterA water plane spanning a certain part of the Terrain<TTemplate>
 CEntityTemplateBaseA common base for entity templates (collection of components used as a prototype for constructing new entities). Defines the behavior and look for a certain class of EntityBase<TCoordinates,TTemplate>
 CTemplateA set of data used as a prototype for constructing new objects at runtime
 CITerrainA common base for all ITerrain types
 COcclusionIntervalMapGeneratorGenerates an occlusion interval map from a height map for a ITerrain as a background task
 CTerrainThis class contains a height-map-based Terrain including texturing and pathfinding data
 CTerrainBrushDescribes a square or circle terrain area that is to be modified
 CTerrainSizeContains information about the size of a ITerrain
 CIUniverseA common base for all UniverseBase<TCoordinates> types
 CParallelA lightweight implementation of a small subset of Microsoft's Parallel Extensions for .Net 3.5/4.0 that can be used with the earlier .Net/C# 2.0
 CSessionBaseA common base for game sessions (i.e. a game actually being played)
 CUniverseBaseA common base for game worlds (but not a running game). Equivalent to the content of a map file